Heating you home
As we are all aware, the cost of heating homes is increasing at an alarming rate and many rural residents will find it hard to afford. Residents living in areas that do not have access to mains gas will be affected more than their urban counterparts, because the cost of their fuel is always proportionately higher, and they cannot benefit from dual fuel discounts.
Humber & Wolds Rural Action has run the YORSwitch Bulk Oil Buying Scheme in East Yorkshire since 2013 and their aim is to reduce the cost of heating oil by bulk purchasing. Anyone in our community who uses oil for heating can join the scheme. To find out more and details of how to join visit their website at https://www.hwrcc.org.uk/yorswitch-bulk-oil-buying-scheme/
or telephone 07918 147006 or email oil@hwrcc.org.uk
East Riding Design Guide Consultation
East Riding have been selected for a pilot to shape design of neighbourhoods -following consultation a new design guidance document will sit alongside the local plan policies and be considered as a point of reference when planning applications are received to ensure that new developments and planning applications respect the style of the area. Complete the short survey at https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/EastRidingDesignGuidePublicConsultation/ survey runs until 18 April 2022
ERYC Financial Help for Residents click here
SEGL2 Renewable Energy Project -
The UK has a world-leading target to tackle climate change, which is to achieve net zero by 2050
The UK has the largest operating offshore wind capacity in the word and more is under construction
- To help deliver green energy to homes and businesses across the UK, the National Grid need to increase the capability of their network between Scotland and England
- To do this, they are proposing the construction of two new High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) links which will operate as electricity superhighways from Scotland to England.
- These links will be called the Scotland to
England Green Links or SEGL1 and SEGL2
The new pipeline will pass through our Parish see attached
We would like to welcome you to the Middleton on the Wolds Parish Council website and hope that you will find it very useful and informative.
Middleton-on-the-Wolds is situated on the A614 approximately 9 miles from Beverley and 7 miles from Driffield.
You will find lots of information on our website, including:-
Local Businesses
Parish Council Agendas and Minutes
and so much more ..........................
If you would like any further information about the village please do not hesitate to contact the Parish Clerk using our on line contact form. (click here to go to the form)
Parish Map
Further information relating to our Parish can be found by visiting the East Riding of Yorkshire Council website. To find out more information about any of the services provided by your local authority, simply contact 01482 393939 and ask for the service you require, or register for "My Account"